Monday, April 25, 2011


Corn snakes can grow up to 72in. long,they are mostly orange-brownish-yellow with black edged red spots along the middle of the back.The corn snake is primarily diurnal which means that they are awake during both night and day.They spend most of there time underground going though rodent tunnels looking for prey as they do with abandoned homes and trees.They eat birds, mice,rats,bats,lizards,and tree frogs.The corn snake can live up to 23 years.


The coral snake is highly venomous,and can grow up to 93cm.Coral snakes usually stay underground and they have lizards and other small snakes as food.What makes them so hard to capture is the size of there head and how it is similar in shape and size to there tail,they will use this to there advantage if threated,what they will do is raise there head up and put there tail above there head so that there attacker will think that there tail is the head so then that will give the coral snake room to strike.They can be found in the rain forest hidden under leafs or burrowed underground. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011


The average adult size is 22-36 inches long the longest one on record is 53 inches long.There pupil is slit like a cat and this is the same way for all venomous snakes this is one of the ways that people tell that a snake is poisonous.Another way that you can tell that it is a copperhead is the body it has a pattern that looks like an hourglass.Along with this is a triangle shaped head,and they are usually light brown with dark brown along the hourglass pattern on there body.The copperhead most often lives near water were there is small fish,rodents,frogs,other snakes,and small birds.


Death adders are one of the world's deadliest snakes,all death adders have triangular shaped heads and thick short body's.The death adder is one of the top 10 dangerous snakes in the world,it does not hunt its prey instead it lies and waits then it ambushes its prey.A bite can kill a human in as little as six hours.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Sea and water snakes live in the water most of there lives they do need to come up to the surface to breathe once every hour and since they need to breathe air that often they are usually found in shallow areas in the Indian and Pacific ocean mostly in the warmer parts.They eat fish,fish eggs,and small eels that they find under rocks and reefs.There are 30-50 different kinds of sea snakes and they all belong to the cobra family.The average size of a sea snake can grow 2 meters long but there head is a little small for there body size.There tails are flat to help them swim though the water and to help them go faster to get away from predators,they also have flaps over there nostrils to keep water out of there nose when they swim.Sea snakes are very poisonous the most poisonous sea snake is the beaded sea snake,just 3 drops of there venom can kill about 8 people!


Pythons live near the equator,Asia,and Africa,were there huge body's can stay warm.They usually live in caves and in trees.Being closer to people means that the pythons natural food source is going down so they have to find something else to eat which leads to them eating livestock and pets and they will attack people when they feel threatened.Pythons are part of the constrictor family which means that they squeeze there prey until they stop breathing.In the wild pythons will eat lizards,caiman,monkeys,and antelope.If the python eats large animals then that could mean that they may only need to eat 4-5 times a year.Pythons will protect there eggs by coiling there body's around the eggs and keep them warm until hatching.

Friday, April 22, 2011


Garter snakes are very common all around Canada and central america.They live in cold temperatures and because of this they have to hibernate during winter.They find shelter in cracks in the ground where the frost doesn't reach.They don't live alone most of the time thats why if you go looking for one there not just one there could be hundreds.Some might even travel quite a dissents to reach there winter den.The garter snake mainly eats earthworms,frogs,small fish,leeches,tad poles,and some times mice.There size is not to there advantage they are hunted by bears,birds, raccoons,and skunks.They are born live and the garter snake can have up to 40 babies at a time.


The anaconda lives in the Amazon jungle they are part of boa constrictor family.They spend most of the time in the water when confronted with danger the water is there main route of escape. Anacondas eat amphibious animals such as frogs and toads but they will also eat birds,fish,camion,ducks,and turtles and even alligators.The average size of these giant creatures is 20ft. and 300lbs.The anaconda can have up to 35 babies at a time.Even with there massive numbers scientists have trouble finding and studding them,they are silent and leave no trail behind.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Boa constrictors are among the largest snakes in the world along with the reticulated python,and the anaconda.Although not poisonous they are just as deadly if not more,they kill by rapping them self around there pray and squeezing there prays body every time they breathe until they stop breathing then they start to consume there pray head first.They like to live in hot tropical areas,you can find them in trees or on the ground.There diet consists of monkeys,birds,frogs,and some of the larger boa's even eat pigs and deer.


Cobras are one of the most venomous snakes in the world.They are famous for there hoods on there neck which is to make them even scarier and to say that you are getting to close to them and that you should probably back off.What makes them so famous and so well known is that there is over 270 different types of cobra.Cobras like to live in hot topical areas.What makes them so venomous is that they have short fangs which pump more venom into the body of there victim.Some of the cobra species have a special talent they can spit at there victim which can be up to 6 feet away.If the venom gets in there eyes then they could die slowly and when it does get into there eyes first it stuns them then the cobra will take that advantage and get away because they don't want to fight and they are more scared of humans and most other animals except the ones they eat which is mostly rodents  and small animals such as other snakes and scorpions.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Rattle snakes can grow between 4 and 6 feet long.There babies are venomous when born but they do not have a rattle on the end of there tails like the adults and the babies are more aggressive then the adults and the do not have control of there venom glands so when they bite all of there venom comes out into there victim and this is the same for all venomous snake babies.In the world there are 16 different types of rattle snakes and they are all known as pit vipers.They mainly eat rodents then they hibernate for the winter then when they wake up they eat and mate.A rattle snake can have up to 10 babies.